What is fasting? How can I do it? What benefits do you have?
Intermittent fasting is a very wide term that covers a variety of programs that manipulate food timing using short fast periods with the aim of improving body composition and especially health. Its benefits are increasingly known, but before the maelstrom of information that appears on […]
Lesions in the ischiosural How to avoid them?
The ischiosural injury is one of the most common among sports that includes a career, especially when it occurs at high speeds, and has a great prevalence in other sports where it seeks to produce a rapid deceleration of the leg extension, as in the case of the hit in the […]
The effect of the exercise on the AMPK and its role in insulin regulation
AMPK (AMP activated kinase protein) is a key metabolism regulator that is activated in response to an increase in the AMP/ATP ratio in the cell. The AMPK participates in the regulation of glycolysis, in glucose entrance, in the oxidation of lipids, in the synthesis of fatty acids, in the […]
How to prevent muscle atrophy for an immobilization period?
On many occasions, after an injury or during a hospital admission, we face immobilization periods. This immobilization process results in a loss of mass and muscle strength, together with a worsening of insulin sensitivity, a decrease in metabolism and therefore an increase in fat deposits. […]
Resistance sports cause changes in the heart, but do everyone equally?
The exercise causes a series of structural and functional changes in the heart related to the sports discipline practiced. These adaptations predominate in resistance sports (s), in which the contribution of oxygen to the muscles involved is carried out through aerobic metabolism. The term resistance sport (s) is used for […]
Effect of Two Types of Active Recovery On Fatigue and Climbing Performance
Performing intra-session recovery is Important in Rock Climbing Due to the Multiple Efforts That Climbers Are Required to make in competitions, as well as repeated Climbing Trials that they carry out During Training Sessions. Active Recovery you have shown to be a Better option than passive recovery. However, The Type of Active Recovery That Should […]
Evolution analysis for six years of a world -class cyclist
The evolution of the performance of professional cyclists and how they manage to increase it as the years go by is a great mystery to the general public. Their training loads and the periodization of their seasons make these athletes almost perfect machines. In a recent study [1] the evolution of physical potential was analyzed […]
Effect of supplementation with sodium bicarbonate on performance
The typical force training design oriented to muscle hypertrophy consists of multiple series per exercise, 8-12 maximum repetitions (RM) by series with breaks of about 60 sec among them, looking for high metabolic stress and with it a greater production of Anabolic hormones. The acidification of the intracellular pH as a result of the exercise […]
Does additional benefits provide the exercise to the diet in obese with diabetes?
The caloric restriction, the increase in physical activity and cognitive restructuring are the fundamental pillars of the treatment of obesity, especially in the case of associated comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes. It has been seen that a 50% reduction in excess body weight Through a very low calorie diet […]
Shoulder pain? Why it happens and how can you avoid it
Subacromial pinching syndrome is a pathology produced by the friction of the tendons of the shoulder under -communication (formed by the humerus and the acromion) with the acromion, being able to produce an inflammation of the bursa and with it pain. This situation can be produced in different situations, such as excessive acromion size, […]