High VS diet in carbohydrates for the treatment of diabetes
In recent years new nutritional strategies are emerging that try to combat diabetes. Exercise prescription and controlled dietary intervention are erected in cornerstones for diabetes treatment and resolution. Diets low in carbohydrates and fats have increased their popularity recently, but lack of studies [...]
Inflammatory markers and training with kinesis in older women
It has been observed that the increase in cytokines such as interleuquina 6 (IL-6) or the alpha tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) is associated with an increase in the risk of certain diseases. These cytokines are considered inflammatory markers and an increase in their levels is what is known as low -degree inflammation. Besides, […]
Diet and/or exercise effect on obesity. Relationship with adiponectin and leptin
As we saw in previous entries, adiponectin and leptin concentrations are altered in pathologies such as obesity. In this specific case, adiponectin levels decrease and increase leptin. The importance of these becomes such that an alteration of their levels has been associated with the mechanism by which obesity [...]
Importance of a high protein diet for the athlete population
In recent times the classic nutritional recommendations - in which a minimum consumption of carbohydrates of around 60% and the denostation of the fats without attending to the origin of them were promoted - are being analyzed very critically due to the large increase of pathologies such as type II diabetes and obesity. […]
The Triad of the Athlete Women and its Potential Risks
The Triad of the Athlete Women is a syndrome that has been observed in women who practice sports and presenting interrelation between the following three factors: food disorders, amenorrhea and osteoporosis. This condition is considered a disorder characterized by an alteration in energy availability (with or without eating disorders), […]
Back pain in women, how can it be prevented?
Back pain is one of the most frequent health problems in our society. Many of the lowering pains have a muscular origin, having people who suffer a weakness in the muscles of this area. A recent Yaprak study determined the effects of a 10 -week training program […]
Does physical exercise reduce the risk of gestational diabetes?
A study by Spanish researchers analyzed whether a physical exercise plan between week 10 and the end of pregnancy reduced the risk of gestational diabetes as well as comorbidities associated with the mother and the child.
PRONAF: First Integral Treatment Study for Obesity in Spain
Obesity and its associated diseases are a real and growing problem in the Spanish population. Therefore, a group of researchers from the INEF's physiology laboratory in Madrid coordinated a pioneering study in Spain in which they integrated 96 obese patients from a multidisciplinary perspective. Nutrition […]
High intensity vs moderate intensity to treat metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome, set of cardiovascular risk factors, among which are high blood pressure, dyslipremia, alteration of abdominal blood glucose and obesity, is associated with increased cardiovascular morbid, having those people who suffer three times more likely to die from coronary disease than the healthy population. It is known that […]
Natural and legal forms of improving performance: caffeine and beet juice
In the competitive field, both professional and amateur, athletes try to improve their performance following various strategies, whether psychological, mechanical, nutritional, pharmacological, etc. The fact that these strategies, mainly pharmacological ones, are limited by the regulations-as for example the anti-doping regulation-makes athletes to find natural, legal forms […]