Pubalgia, as we saw in previous articles , is the generic denomination of a series of injuries that affect the different muscle groups in the inguinal zone. It is a pathology that causes a pain located in the pubis area, with irradiation towards the groin or lower area of the abdomen.
Physical exercise as the first intervention strategy.
Among the different ways that exist of addressing pubalgia, our intervention proposal consists of a conservative treatment based on physical therapies or rehabilitation programs (Kachingwe and Grech, 2008).
The proposal that we present is oriented to an acute phase, that is, to an initial phase of the injury that includes between week 1 and 5-6 maximum. We must take into account that the progression within each proposed exercise is dependent on each person, so there will be cases where we will need a greater progression or even a regression in the contents raised.
The keys to these phases are:
- Control the intensity of the exercises through a perceived effort scale (RPE 1-10). Maintain an intensity in the exercises of approximately 3-4 over 10, corresponding to a gentle-moderate intensity.
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2. Control pain perception through an analog visual scale (Eva 1-10). Do not exceed a value of 3 out of 10 on the pain scale, corresponding to mild pain.
The work objectives in this phase will be:
- Increase the muscular function of the transverse abdomen, adductors and hip abductors, among others.
- Improve the mobility of the lumbar and hip area.
- Provide greater stability to the lumbar and pelvic zone (lumbo-pélvico complex).
- Improve postural hygiene with the aim of reducing mechanical stress on the affected area working activities such as learning to sit and get up correctly, or know the ideal position in static positions of the lumbar area such as standing, sitting and lying, among other actions of everyday life.
In this proposal we will focus specifically on objectives 1 and 2 mentioned above. To deepen the work of objectives 3 and 4 you can consult the exercises raised in the video on low back pain . It is of great importance to mention that the exercises are carried out in the absence of pain, taking as reference a maximum value of 3 out of 10 on the EVA scale.
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- Ellsworth, AA, Zoland , MP and, and Tyler , TF (2014). Athletic Pubalgia and Associated Rehabilitation. Int J Sports Phys The ., 9 (6): 774–784.
- Faries, M., & Greenwood, M (2007). Core Training: Stabiling the confusion. Strength and conditioning Journal, 29 (2), 10-25.
- Kachingwe, Af ., Grech, s . (2008). Propose Algorithm for the Management of Athletes Withletic Pubalgia (Sports Hernia): A Case Series. J Orthop Sports Phys The. , 38 (12): 768-81.
- Ross, Jr. , Stone, Rm ., Larson, cm . (2015). Core Muscle Injury/Sports Hernia/Athletic Pubalgia, and femoroacetabular Impingement. Sports Med Arthrosc Rev. , 23 (4): 213-20.
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