For the Healthy Science Community
7 minutes
High performance | Physiology | Health
Is the Hiit safe during pregnancy for the mother and the fetus?
Written by Adrián Castillo G.
8 minutes
High performance | Physiology
Creatine supplementation also in resistance sports?
Written by Pedro L. Valenzuela
Reaching the energy limits of the human being. How much do they spend and how do professional cyclists feed?
Free access
Physiology | Health
Skin aging: the role of interleucin-17
Written by Paloma Solá
9 minutes
Surf: A sport that can lead to your physiology limit
What if we were ignoring the main variable to assess and prescribe the training load?
10 minutes
Negative heat effects on performance, what can we do to avoid them?
Written by Themohuman
Chronic stress increases inflammation of the intestine
What is outpatient blood pressure, and what can the exercise do for it?
Lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic on mental health and sport
Written by Juan José Martín Olmedo
Volume 21: Cosmos. Sara García Alonso's trip: from the Laboratory to Space
A conversation with Sara García Alonso
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