For the Healthy Science Community
Physical activity
9 minutes
Physiology | Health
Exercise is medicine, also in the animal world
Written by Adrián Castillo G.
Exercise, a key factor to prevent and treat depression
Written by Javier S. Morales
11 minutes
High performance | Physiology | Health
Reducing your resting heart rate can make you live more
Training could improve women's symptomatology with polycystic ovary syndrome
How does your brain feel sick?
Vol. 14
Everything you need to know about the variability of the heart rate: part 2
Written by Marco Altini
Physical activity in the school environment: a key piece for the integral health of children
Written by Antonio Garcia
Nutrition and cancer: difference between prevention and oncological treatment
Written by Lucas Jurado Fasoli
The benefits for the performance of being born at the heights
Written by Pedro L. Valenzuela
The importance of sleep: how your brain is cleaned when you sleep
Volume 21: Cosmos. Sara García Alonso's trip: from the Laboratory to Space
A conversation with Sara García Alonso
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