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July 2, 2018

What type of high intensity training use to obtain the greatest benefits?
High intensity training in its different modalities has shown to be at least as effective as continuous low intensity training to improve performance, as well as for various health markers. But do we know what type of high intensity training could induce greater benefits at the level of performance?

High intensity interval training (HIIT) and repeated Sprint training (SIT) have been established as a fundamental piece both in training programs in the competitive and health field. This type of exercise has shown to be more or, at least, equally effective than continuous low intensity training to improve performance (oxygen consumption, speed ...), as well as to improve various markers associated with greater health (sensitivity to insulin, functional capacity ...).

Exercise specialists are in need of programming various variables of this type of sessions (mainly the duration and intensity of the intervals and breaks) in order to vary the training stimulus, maximize the benefits obtained and achieve greater adhesion by the athlete. Therefore, it is important to know what type of high intensity session provides greater benefits at the level of performance.

A study published in the European Journal of Sport Science (1) compared in a very numerous group (n = 55 recreational athletes) the effects of different types of training for 6 weeks. Specifically, the subjects were divided into Grupo HIIT (4-6 series of 4 minutes at 100% of the speed achieved by 3000m, with 4 minutes of recovery), Grupo SIT (7-12 series of 30 seconds to 130% of the speed achieved in 3000m, with 2.5 minutes of recovery) and control group (30 minutes of running at 75% of the speed in 3000m), training all of them 3 times a week. After the 6 weeks of training, the results showed that although all the groups improved the tests carried out (time in 3000m and in Sprint of 40m, and the ability to perform repeated sprints), the SIT group was the one that obtained the greatest improvements in all cases in all cases .

On the other hand, another research group (2) compared the effects of different SIT sessions on the adaptations produced. To do this, 36 subjects were assigned to a SIT group that made 4-6 series of 30 seconds in full with 4.5 minutes of rest, a group that made the same number of series and with the same break but in this case 15 seconds Bumper, or a group that made a continuous race for 60-75 minutes. In all cases they trained 3 times a week for 4 weeks. The results of this study showed that all groups improved their maximum oxygen consumption, the speed associated with this intensity, its peak and average power during a wingate test, the critical power and the power associated with the lactate threshold.

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Therefore, we see how to include very short intervals sessions (<30 seconds) can contribute the same or even more benefits for resistance performance than longer series (> 3 minutes) or that the long-term exercise (> 30- 60 minutes) at medium intensity . In addition, you can see how the same benefits were obtained with 15 -second series as with series of 30, which suggests that the important thing could be the recruitment of fast fibers by generating the power peak during the first moments of the series . However, and although this type of very short duration sessions provides benefits such as requiring less training time, it is important to note that the intensity produced can be very high and probably more harmful if the athlete is not prepared. In addition, we believe that these stimuli must be varied and alternated during the season , progressing for example from more nonspecific sessions towards greater specificity with longer work intervals.


  1. Taylor, P, Cicioni-Kolsky, D, Lorenzen, C, Williams, MD, and Guy, J. Endurance and Sprint Benefits of High-Intensity and Supramaxaximal Interval Training. EUR J Sport Sci 13: 304–311, 2013.
  2. Zelt, JGE, Hankinson, PB, Foster, WS, Williams, CB, Reynolds, J, Garneys, E, Tschakovsky, Me, and Gurd, BJ. Reducting The Volume of Sprint Interval Training Does Not Diminish Maximal and Submaximal Performance Gains in Healthy Men. EUR J Appl Physiol 114: 2427–2436, 2014.


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